Monday, February 21, 2011

One month later...

Well, it's been a month since we've posted! We have been busy with Lena. Here are a few ways we have been spending our time:

1. Visit from her Auntie Steph from Australia!
2. Visit to SD Zoo and Wild Animal Park
3. Gymnastics (well - Mommy and me style - she did learn a pretty good forward roll so far)
4. Physical Therapy - she is taking many, many steps solo so I don't think she'll be going to PT for long
5. Visit from Grandma & Grandpa Trefren!
6. Celebrating Chinese New Year - Year of the Rabbit
7. More Dr. appts including cardiology - so far Lena is checking out to be a very healthy little girl! YEA!
8. Trip to Northern Cali for John Jr. Scholarship Dinner on his bday AND Sonnie's (Grandpa Gilk) birthday celebration!

Here are some of the photos from the last month:


  1. I love the update! She looks great. And I have to say the CA looks beautiful in the background too! Glad to hear that all her appts are going well! We need to come up for a visit!

  2. She is so stinkin' cute!!! Love the update! :)

  3. Love the newest pics. Happy to hear she is gaining strength and her dr appointments are going well!
    The Salvants
    Trish, Jon, Ava and Eli
